Anglers are still catching trout up at Howard Prairie
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Howard Prairie campgrounds and the resort are now open, as is the store. With low water levels, the marina boat ramp is closed. Access at Howard Prairie is currently limited to the gravel ramp near the dam. Unfortunately, irrigation drawdown has already begun and the lake is drawing down.
Anglers are still catching trout up at Howard Prairie both from the dam and still fishing off the point across from the dam. There is also some bank access from the 37 road, but 4x4 is recommended. PowerBait and nightcrawlers, still fished from the bottom are producing, but it’s probably averaging 1.5-2 hours per fish as was seen this last weekend during a creel. Fish are of good size though, and still are good table fair. Try smoking them for something different. Some fish can also be caught trolling and the gravel boat ramp near the dam is still accessible for smaller vessels.
Anglers should be prepared for toxic algae blooms. Learn how to recognize algae blooms and get tips for fishing safely.
No legal trout will be stocked this year due to another low water year. The lake is 12 percent full and already dropping. Wednesday morning it was approximately 7,422 acre feet.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, July 6th, 2022
Imnaha River: Fishing pressure for Chinook salmon picked up over the weekend
John Day River: Conditions for bass and catfish fishing are improving
Wallowa Lake : There are some nice kokanee available this year
Wallowa River: Flows have been steadily dropping on the Wallowa River
Crane Prairie Reservoir: After a slow start, anglers are reporting that fishing is improving
Crooked River: The Crooked River is flowing at 208 cfs below Bowman Dam
Ochoco Reservoir: The reservoir is very low at 24 percent
Odell Lake: Anglers report good kokanee fishing
Prinevile Reservoir: Trout fishing continues to be good
Quartzville Creek: Conditions are excellent
Santiam River ( North Fork) : Chinook salmon returns indicate a fairly decent run year so far
Santiam River ( North Fork) Above Detroit Lake: lows are around currently 900 cfs
Santiam River (South Fork): Both summer steelhead and Chinook salmon are available
Ben Irving Reservoir: Ben Irving Reservoir Report
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Anglers are finding a good grade of bass
Diamond Lake: Mixed reports are coming from Diamond
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant Reservoir Fishing Report
Galesville Reservoir: Anglers are still catching some really nice trout in Galesville
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