North Umpqua wild summer steelhead count increases
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
ROSEBURG, Ore – Numbers of wild summer steelhead in the North Umpqua River are up from last year’s low of 450 fish.
As of June 21, 544 wild summer steelhead crossed Winchester Dam into the North Umpqua Basin. Although this is still lower than average, biologists anticipated an increase in returns as ocean conditions are improving.
Biologists are closely monitoring returns and current analysis projects the 2022 run to be above the critical threshold of 1,200 wild summer steelhead returning by the end of the year. Peak return typically is late June through mid-July.
“We expected an increase over last year’s run because of improving ocean conditions, and it’s nice to see that play out,” said Evan Leonetti, Assistant District Fish Biologist. “We’re also seeing increases in some summer steelhead runs in other systems like the Columbia Basin and think this trend will continue in the near future.”
Returns less than 1,200 wild summer steelhead may trigger management actions beyond this year’s bubble closure around mainstem Umpqua River tributaries. With better returns so far, the river remains open for angling and retention of hatchery summer steelhead as per permanent regulations.
As the summer heats up, biologists encourage anglers to practice hot weather angling ethics. Other recreationists are also encouraged to avoid areas where wild summer steelhead may be holding such as deeper, cooler pools in the North Umpqua River system.
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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, June 23rd, 2022Grande Ronde River: Flows on the Grande Ronde River have been dropping
Imnaha River: Trout fishing may be good during periods of moderated flows
Umatilla River: Summer steelhead fishing on the Umatilla River is now closed
Wallowa River: Flows on the Wallowa River probably will be somewhat elevated over the next couple weeks
Lake Billy Chinook: Bass are biting well
Clear Lake: Will be stocked again this week
Coast Fork Willamette River: Was last stocked the week of June 13
McKenzie River: Spring Chinook – This week the fishing conditions look good!
Middle Fork of the Williamette: Middle Fork of The Williamette Report
Nestucca River: Spring Chinook fishing continues to improve on the Nestucca
Trask River: Spring Chinook are in the Trask and spread throughout
Wilson River: Summer steelhead are throughout the fishery
Ben Irving Reservoir: Fishing the area near the dam may be the way to go
Coos River: Anglers are still catching decent numbers of rockfish
Coquille River: River levels are dropping quickly
Diamond Lake: Fishing has been really good
Eel Lake: Trout fishing at Eel Lake has been decent
Emigrant Reservoir: Water clarity is surprisingly good for this time of year
Empire Lake Lower: Bass fishing is good in Upper and Lower Empire Lake
Galesville Reservoir: Anglers are still catching some really nice trout in Galesville
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Anglers are still catching trout up at Howard Prairie
Hyatt Lake: Very low if any fishing pressure
Rogue River- Upper: Trout fishing is now open in the Rogue
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek): Trout stockings in the upper river started May 18
Blitzen River: Currently very little fishing pressure
Campbell Reservoir: There are likely no fish in the reservoir
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Fishing Report
Owyhee Reservoir: Owyhee Reservoir Fishing Report
Phillips Reservoir: Phillips Reservoir Fishing Report
Sprague River: Fishing is slow throughout the river
Williamson River: Williamson River Report