Public meeting for sport Pacific halibut anglers

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
NEWPORT, Ore – Oregon's Pacific halibut quota and season for recreational anglers is being discussed at a Feb. 7 public meeting in Newport. The meeting runs 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. with in-person and virtual options.
ODFW hosts these yearly meetings to review the International Pacific Halibut Commission's annual meeting and resulting recreational Pacific halibut quotas. Attendees are asked to give input on the number and timing of "fixed" and "backup" dates for the Central Oregon Coast Subarea spring all-depth halibut season. All other area and season dates were finalized last fall.
The Sport Halibut webpage will be updated by Feb. 3 with materials presented during the meeting and an online survey for those who can't attend the meeting.
The in-person meeting is at the ODFW Marine Resources Program conference room, 2040 SE Marine Science Dr., Newport.
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For a summary of the 2022 recreational Pacific halibut fishery, read ODFW's halibut newsletter. It explains how halibut are managed in Oregon and details the catch and quotas in the three subareas.