CDFG News Release - Applications for Bay-Delta Sport Fishing Enhancement
by Marine Management News
(916) 322-8639
The California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) is seeking applicants to fill vacancies on the Bay-Delta Sport Fishing Enhancement Stamp Advisory Committee. The application and eligibility requirements are available online at
Although anglers are no longer required to purchase a Bay-Delta Sport Fishing Enhancement Stamp as of January 1, 2010, money collected in past years will still be used to fund projects that benefit sport fishing within the stamp's geographic range (from the Golden Gate Bridge to the most downstream dam on the main stems of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and their major tributaries). The role of the nine-member advisory committee is to recommend to DFG appropriate and viable projects that benefit sport fish populations, sport fishing opportunities and anglers within the stamps boundaries. Committee members meet approximately twice a year, generally in the greater Sacramento area. Meetings are open to the public.
Recently funded projects include Acoustic Tagging and Genetics of Adult Chinook Salmon in the Lower Yuba River, San Joaquin River System Sturgeon Tagging and Acoustic Receiver Installation, Delta Water Pollution Monitoring and Enforcement, Size and Age at First Maturity and Fecundity of California Halibut in the San Francisco Bay Area, Effects of Water Temperature on Hooking Mortality and Migration of the Steelhead Fishery Resources in the Lower American River, and Central Valley Hatchery Salmon Acclimation.
The deadline to submit an application is June 11, 2010. Printed applications are also available by contacting Karen Mitchell at (916) 445-0826.
The Director of DFG appoints committee members to four-year terms, pursuant to the Fish and Game Code, Section 7362. Eight of the nine membership positions are currently available for appointment.
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Applications for Bay-Delta Sport Fishing Enhancement Stamp Advisory Committee Now Available The California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) is seeking...... Read More
California Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
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