by Don Padick
(805) 983-0975

The SFR crew recently fished with Captain Tucker and the rest of the Mirage crew on an overnight trip to the Northern Channel Islands. The weather finally took a turn for the better. We departed Channel Islands Harbor in Oxnard with high spirits and calm seas and wind. The anglers rested as Captain Tucker scoured the Islands in search of squid and sebass. We spent the grey light hour soaking baits in hopes of a seabass or halibut. When that didn't produce any hookups we headed off to fish the shallow reefs around Santa Rosa Island and what epic fishing it was. Shallow water rockfishing at its best!! The anglers aboard spent the day pulling huge reds, monster chucks and one legal ling after another over the rail. Throw in a bunch of monster sheephead and whitefish and you're talking about some serious fat sacks for everyone aboard. Good times as always on the Mirage !!!! Check the website for the Mirage and Channel Islands Sportfishing Center for their entire schedule and for all the latest action.

SFR Angler Walt Topping called up to warn everyone about an email Phishing attack. If you get an email...... Read More