Pier fishermen fishing year round for rockfish, lingcod and all groundfish
(916) 445-0411
Question: I know that rockfish, lingcod and all groundfish are open year round to shore-based anglers. Does that include pier anglers? Seems to me that piers are shore-based, but thought I'd best check to be sure since I don't see it spelled out in the regs.
Answer: Yes, pier anglers are considered shore-based anglers.
Answer: Yes, pier anglers are considered shore-based anglers.
More Reports
California Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Friday, April 13th, 2012
• Raw or Cooked Abalone, do both apply to your limit?
• Fishing with an Alabama rig in the Ocean
• Use of dead Rainbow or Brown Trout as bait when Ocean Fishing
California Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, April 12th, 2012
• Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program Study Now Available
• Pacific Herring Populations Increase in San Francisco Bay
• DFG-led CRFS Program in Full Swing
• California's Third Largest Abalone Taken
• Selected "Snapshots" of Current Marine Region Projects