Big Game Tags

(916) 445-0411
Question: What's the latest on the special big game tags this year? Will any new tags be available via the random drawing system?
Answer: Yes! Five random drawings for big game license tags will be offered in 2013 to raise funds needed for vital wildlife conservation programs.
New this year, a different bighorn sheep hunt is being offered as a fund-raising tag. For 2013, the tag will be good for Zone 1 Marble/Clipper Mountains and Zone 8 South Bristol Mountains.
According to CDFW Big Game Program Analyst Glenn Underwood, in 2011 the CDFW offered two random drawings, one open zone deer tag and one Owens Valley zone elk tag which together generated more than $130,000 for conservation. CDFW will bring back these tags this year, and make two more tags available for random auction: one Northeastern California pronghorn antelope tag, and one Kelso Peak/Old Dad Mt. desert bighorn sheep tag.
Opportunities to win one of the four fund-raising tags are available to all interested hunters. Random tag drawing chances can now be purchased at CDFW license sales offices and online, as well as at the upcoming Sportsmen's Expositions in Long Beach and Del Mar in March.
Answer: Yes! Five random drawings for big game license tags will be offered in 2013 to raise funds needed for vital wildlife conservation programs.
New this year, a different bighorn sheep hunt is being offered as a fund-raising tag. For 2013, the tag will be good for Zone 1 Marble/Clipper Mountains and Zone 8 South Bristol Mountains.
According to CDFW Big Game Program Analyst Glenn Underwood, in 2011 the CDFW offered two random drawings, one open zone deer tag and one Owens Valley zone elk tag which together generated more than $130,000 for conservation. CDFW will bring back these tags this year, and make two more tags available for random auction: one Northeastern California pronghorn antelope tag, and one Kelso Peak/Old Dad Mt. desert bighorn sheep tag.
Opportunities to win one of the four fund-raising tags are available to all interested hunters. Random tag drawing chances can now be purchased at CDFW license sales offices and online, as well as at the upcoming Sportsmen's Expositions in Long Beach and Del Mar in March.
More Reports
California Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Friday, February 1st, 2013
• How many hooks can you use when fishing for Sturgeon?
• Can you keep a legal-sized Sturgeon if it is caught with a barbed hook?
• After an legal Sturgeon is caught, most all other anglers in the boat switch to barbless hooks?
• Selling Sand gathered from the beach
• Catching a Lobster with a noose
• Fishing for Crab with a crab snare
• Using 2 rods when fishing with barbless hooks
• Buying Sturgeon Report Cards & Tags
• Fish hatcheries & triploid fish

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