Harvest odds for Deer this year
(916) 445-0411
Question: Why did the Big Game Digest omit the harvest odds for deer this year? Why do they not publish buck-to-doe ratios either? Other states share that information and it's a lot more helpful than those colorful articles in this year's booklet. I am afraid to spend my points blindly.
Answer: The answer has more to do with timing than anything - harvest and ratio data were simply not available when the Big Game Digest was developed. We are still adapting the harvest analysis to the new Automated License Data System (ALDS). Harvest data first has to be entered into the database, and then the analysis takes place. The deer harvest data was posted online as soon as it was available at www.dfg.ca.gov/wildlife/hunting/deer/deerhunt.html.
Answer: The answer has more to do with timing than anything - harvest and ratio data were simply not available when the Big Game Digest was developed. We are still adapting the harvest analysis to the new Automated License Data System (ALDS). Harvest data first has to be entered into the database, and then the analysis takes place. The deer harvest data was posted online as soon as it was available at www.dfg.ca.gov/wildlife/hunting/deer/deerhunt.html.
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