CDFW Extends Commercial Dungeness Crab Season in Northern Region

by California Department of Fish & Wildlife

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has announced it is extending the commercial Dungeness crab season to Aug. 14.

Pursuant to Fish and Game Code (FGC) Section 8277, Director Charlton H. Bonham extended the season off the coasts of Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte counties (Districts 6, 7, 8 and 9). This extended season coincides with the Oregon commercial Dungeness crab season closing date.

The season extension will provide added fishing opportunity to make up for the delayed start to the season and to take advantage of what appears to be another late molt as industry reports confirm that crabs are still in good condition at this time. The start of the 2012-13 Dungeness crab season was delayed six weeks due to soft-shell late onset of molting.

FGC Section 8277(c) authorizes the Director to close the season at any time during the extension period if it is determined that continued fishing will damage the crab resource. More information on Dungeness crab can be found online at