Flows on the Pecos River near the town of Pecos on Monday was 39 cfs & the fishing is good

by New Mexico Game & Fish Department
FThe Mora and Jamie Koch fishing and recreation areas have reopened. The Bert Clancy and Terrero campgrounds remain closed. Trout fishing was good using salmon eggs, egg pattern flies, copper John Barrs and small wooly buggers for a mixed bag of brown and rainbow trout.
More Reports
New Mexico Game & Fish Department Reports
for Tuesday, November 19th, 2013Chama River: Fishing Charma River below El Vado & Abiquiu was fair, both 'bows & Browns are being reported
San Juan River : Fishing on the San Juan is good with a variety of different flies working
Tingley Beach: Trout fishing was very good again this past week at the Tingley Beach Central and Youth Ponds