Received 2,000 Leagal Rainbow Trout Two Weeks Ago

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Medco received of 2,000 legal rainbow trout two weeks ago. Medco Pond is at 3,054 feet elevation and located between Butte Falls and Prospect. No recent reports here. It is scheduled for its first stocking in mid-April. On warmer days, anglers can often find bluegill close to shore. Try fishing a nightcrawler under a bobber later in the day. Still pretty cold for a decent warmwater bite.

Medco Pond is a private pond and access can be revoked at any time. Medco received 15,000 fall fingerling trout that should have overwintered and be catchable size by now. To help keep access open, anglers should make sure to pick up their trash, as well as other trash when they are there. The owners of Medco have restricted vehicle access to along the roadway because of vandals and dumpers. If you see someone doing something that may risk access for everyone, please let ODFW know.

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, April 29th, 2021

Willamette River: Two rods allowed in upper Willamette starting May 1
ODFW Recreation Report