Bag and Possession limit for fish
(916) 445-0411
My question is about the bag limit and possession limit of fish. Can one person carry more than just their own fish? Other friends say it is fine as long as the licensed people are accounted for, even if they are on the same line. If we have a bag limit of five fish and possession limit of 10, would sharing a stringer with a friend count toward my bag and/or possession limit? Would a stringer of fish in the water be different from having a bucket or cooler of fish instead? Other friends have said the fish must be in a cooler or the car for it to not count toward your bag limit but it will still count towards your possession limit.
Every angler is responsible for their own fish. So long as all anglers remain together, there is no law that requires catch to be separated. However, if one of your friends leaves the area, make sure they take their catch with them. You should also know who caught which fish. If you are not able to remember, you should separate your catch. [Note: Starting this year, people who take abalone may not commingle their catch until their abalone have been tagged.]
My question is about the bag limit and possession limit of fish. Can one person carry more than just their own fish? Other friends say it is fine as long as the licensed people are accounted for, even if they are on the same line. If we have a bag limit of five fish and possession limit of 10, would sharing a stringer with a friend count toward my bag and/or possession limit? Would a stringer of fish in the water be different from having a bucket or cooler of fish instead? Other friends have said the fish must be in a cooler or the car for it to not count toward your bag limit but it will still count towards your possession limit.
Every angler is responsible for their own fish. So long as all anglers remain together, there is no law that requires catch to be separated. However, if one of your friends leaves the area, make sure they take their catch with them. You should also know who caught which fish. If you are not able to remember, you should separate your catch. [Note: Starting this year, people who take abalone may not commingle their catch until their abalone have been tagged.]
More Reports
California Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Monday, April 23rd, 2012
• Recreational Ocean Salmon Season Opens May 1 from Horse Mountain to the Oregon/California State Line
• Crab Traps in Humboldt Bay or the mouth of the Eel River
California Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Friday, April 13th, 2012
• Raw or Cooked Abalone, do both apply to your limit?
• Fishing with an Alabama rig in the Ocean
• Use of dead Rainbow or Brown Trout as bait when Ocean Fishing
• Pier fishermen fishing year round for rockfish, lingcod and all groundfish
• Lifetime California Licenses
• Placing Fishing Gear in an unsafe manner