Use of sanddabs & small rockfish as bait for lingcod

(916) 445-0411
Question: I fish the ocean waters off Mendocino and Humboldt counties from a sport boat and target lingcod and other groundfish. My question is, can I use live sanddabs and small black and blue rockfish to catch lingcod?
Answer: Yes, you can catch these species to then use for bait in ocean waters as long as they are all taken and possessed legally. All seasons, bag and size limits apply, even if your catch is used as bait for lingcod, etc. The rockfish must be counted toward your RCG Complex bag limit.
Answer: Yes, you can catch these species to then use for bait in ocean waters as long as they are all taken and possessed legally. All seasons, bag and size limits apply, even if your catch is used as bait for lingcod, etc. The rockfish must be counted toward your RCG Complex bag limit.
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California Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Friday, February 1st, 2013
• How many hooks can you use when fishing for Sturgeon?
• Can you keep a legal-sized Sturgeon if it is caught with a barbed hook?
• After an legal Sturgeon is caught, most all other anglers in the boat switch to barbless hooks?
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• Catching a Lobster with a noose
• Fishing for Crab with a crab snare
• Using 2 rods when fishing with barbless hooks
• Buying Sturgeon Report Cards & Tags
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• Big Game Tags