San Juan River flows below Navajo Dam on Monday were 250 cfs fishing is good

by New Mexico Game & Fish Department
Fishing through the Quality Waters was good using small dry midge patterns as hatches were lasting throughout the daylight hours. Anglers also did well using small bead-head pheasant tails and zebra midges. Tyler Briggs and Evan Mitchell fished the Texas Hole over the weekend and did very well using size 24 and 26 black midges, red and brown San Juan worms and black wooly buggers. Fishing through the bait waters was fair to good using salmon eggs, Power Bait, streamers and spinners.
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New Mexico Game & Fish Department Reports
for Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013Red River: Red River flows near the hatchery on Monday was 42 cfs & fishing was good to excellent
Rio Grande: Rio Grande flows near the Taos Junction Bridge on Monday was 344 cfs, fishing was slow to fair
Chama River: Monday morning flows on the Chama below El Vado and Abiquiu were 290 cfs and 193 cfs respectively
Jemez River: The Jemez River was flowing at 28 cfs on Monday.
New Mexico Game & Fish Department Reports
for Tuesday, November 19th, 2013Chama River: Fishing Charma River below El Vado & Abiquiu was fair, both 'bows & Browns are being reported
San Juan River : Fishing on the San Juan is good with a variety of different flies working
Tingley Beach: Trout fishing was very good again this past week at the Tingley Beach Central and Youth Ponds