Trout Fishing on the Rogue is Closed and Reopens on May 22

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Currently only hatchery steelhead and hatchery spring Chinook may be harvested in the Rogue. But fishing for both may be better in the upper section of the river. 

Trout fishing on the Rogue is closed and reopens on May 22. This includes catch-and-release fishing. Any angler on the Rogue at this time will need to have in possession a valid combined angling tag, in addition to their fishing license, and not be targeting trout or half-pounder steelhead. Young smolt are outmigrating currently and this regulation is designed to protect them.

Locally-owned and operated tackle and fly shops in Grants Pass have excellent gear and very fresh bait, local flies and knowledge that is specific to the Rogue and to your particular technique. Go check them out and offer them support during this time. 

It is illegal to snag and keep a snagged fish, whether it’s wild or hatchery! Report violations to Oregon State Police by calling *OSP.

Wednesday afternoon the flow was 1,730 cfs, turbidity was 4 NTU and water reaching the low 60s at the Grants Pass gage station. Flows are below normal for this time of year, so some riffles/rapids may be a bit bonier than usual. 

For those interested in checking conditions before getting on the river, the City of Grants Pass Water Division’s website offers information on river conditions at Grants Pass as well as a link to a river camera. Anglers can check all the USGS gaging stations, which have the most current temperatures and river flows here.

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, April 29th, 2021

Willamette River: Two rods allowed in upper Willamette starting May 1
ODFW Recreation Report