Number of Shells allowed in a shotgun
(916) 445-0411
I have heard you can carry five shells in a shotgun when hunting for predators but I couldn't find anything in the regulations to confirm this. Is it true?
The maximum number of shells allowed in a shotgun under California Fish and Game Code laws is six (FGC, Section 2010).
However, Fish and Game regulations limit the number of shells to a total of three (one in the chamber and two in the magazine) when hunting migratory game birds (waterfowl, pigeons, doves, etc.), resident small game (quail, rabbits, pheasants, chukar, grouse, tree squirrels) and big game (deer, bear and wild pigs only) (CCR Title 14, sections 311, 353 and 507).
The three-shell restriction does not apply when taking non-game mammals such as coyotes, bobcat, ground squirrels, skunks, gray fox, raccoon, etc. (CCR Title 14, sections 465 and 475 and the Mammal Hunting regulations.) To view the complete seasonal hunting regulations, please check out
I have heard you can carry five shells in a shotgun when hunting for predators but I couldn't find anything in the regulations to confirm this. Is it true?
The maximum number of shells allowed in a shotgun under California Fish and Game Code laws is six (FGC, Section 2010).
However, Fish and Game regulations limit the number of shells to a total of three (one in the chamber and two in the magazine) when hunting migratory game birds (waterfowl, pigeons, doves, etc.), resident small game (quail, rabbits, pheasants, chukar, grouse, tree squirrels) and big game (deer, bear and wild pigs only) (CCR Title 14, sections 311, 353 and 507).
The three-shell restriction does not apply when taking non-game mammals such as coyotes, bobcat, ground squirrels, skunks, gray fox, raccoon, etc. (CCR Title 14, sections 465 and 475 and the Mammal Hunting regulations.) To view the complete seasonal hunting regulations, please check out
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• Use of dead Rainbow or Brown Trout as bait when Ocean Fishing
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• Placing Fishing Gear in an unsafe manner