The Hatchery Hole is Closed to All Fishing Through July 31

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The Hatchery Hole, which encompasses the reach of river from Cole Rivers Hatchery Blocker Dam to 1,200 feet downstream, is currently closed to ALL FISHING through July 31. In the remainder of the upper Rogue, only hatchery steelhead and hatchery spring Chinook can be retained.

Trout fishing on the Rogue is also closed until May 22. This includes catch-and-release trout anglers. Any angler on the Rogue at this time will need to have in possession a valid combined angling tag, in addition to their fishing license.  

As of April 28, 239 new winter steelhead entered the ladder at Cole Rivers Hatchery, bringing this year’s total to 1,358 fish. The first two hatchery spring Chinook also entered the ladder at Cole Rivers Hatchery.  

The upper river will continue to be the place to fish in the coming weeks with winter steelhead still in the mix, and spring Chinook salmon starting to show.

Flows have increased back up to 1,350 cfs being released from Lost Creek Reservoir, still extremely low for this time of the year. Be aware of this if floating a drift boat, as navigational channels have gotten a bit tight. Make sure you can row and read water or float with an experienced boat handler!  

Locally-owned and operated tackle and fly shops in Medford, Shady Cove, and Ashland have excellent gear and very fresh bait, local flies and knowledge that is specific to the Rogue and to your particular technique. Go check them out and offer them support during this time.

For the latest fish counts, call into the Lost Creek Reservoir hotline or check the fish counts page.

For the most current releases of water out of Lost Creek Reservoir, call 1-800-472-2434. For real time streamflow from USGS gauges on the Rogue click here.

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, April 29th, 2021

Willamette River: Two rods allowed in upper Willamette starting May 1
ODFW Recreation Report